
Exam Stress: Mindfulness Techniques For You

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Exam Stress: Mindfulness Techniques For You

Are you feeling overwhelmed and anxious about upcoming exams?

Have all the stress and pressure got you down? 

Don’t worry, there are ways to get your mind off things and help manage exam stress! 

In this article I’ll look at some simple mindfulness exercises that can be used to reduce feelings of anxiety so that you can stay focused and achieve success in your exams.

As a GCSE student parent, I understand the stresses and anxieties that come along with exam season. This is an extremely important time for students, and it’s totally normal to feel overwhelmed by the pressure of exams. 

To help my students (children!) manage their stress during this period, I often recommend mindfulness exercises as an effective way to stay in control of their emotions.

What is Mindfulness? 

Mindfulness is about being aware of what is happening in the present moment without judgement or criticism. It involves paying attention to your thoughts, feelings & sensations in order to cultivate peace & clarity within yourself. 

Practising simple mindfulness exercises can help reduce stress levels while also helping you become more mindful throughout your day-to-day life.  

How Can Mindfulness Help During Exam Season? 

When it comes to exams, there are many things that can cause us to become overwhelmed: 

from feeling unprepared & anxious about studying well enough; 

feeling pressured by others’ expectations; worrying about results; 

and so on… 

Mindfulness offers a way for us to step back from these overwhelming thoughts or emotions & observe them without judgement or attachment – allowing us to take stock of what we are thinking and why & better cope with our situation.  

Benefits of Practising Mindfulness During Exam Time 

By practising mindfulness exercises during exam season we can: 

Reduce Stress

By becoming aware of your thoughts & feelings you will be able to create some distance between yourself & any feelings of being overwhelmed that you can experience. This could be due to external pressures or internal worries/anxieties etc. 

This distance can create space for relaxation which helps reduce anxiety levels significantly allowing you to stay focused on what really matters!  .

Gain Insight

Through observing our experiences objectively we gain insight into how our mind works which not only allows us to deal with stressful situations more effectively but also encourages deeper self-awareness over time. 

This in turn can provide longer term benefits when it comes to dealing with challenging tasks like exams.

Improve Concentration Levels

With practice we can learn techniques such as focusing on breathing patterns that allow us to sharpen our concentration abilities enabling us to focus better (& retain information) even when under pressure.

Simple Exercises You Can Try Anytime Anywhere  

Now let’s take look at three popular exercise techniques designed specifically to help manage exam related stress:    

1) Body Scanning

Start by lying down comfortably then guide your awareness through various parts of the body in turn, starting with your feet and working up to your head – take notice to see if there are any areas of tension then consciously relax those muscles until your entire body feels relaxed.

Once completed, spend a few moments quietly attuning your senses to the new environment before opening your eyes and finishing the exercise.

2) Sitting Meditation

Take a comfortable seated position either on a chair or on the floor depending on what you prefer then choose an object to concentrate on,  such as your breath or your hand. Then simply sit still and focus on the chosen item while allowing other distractions (thoughts, sounds, physical sensations etc.) to pass freely away.

If you find they get tangled up in your thoughts, simply return gently to your chosen attention point. Continue until your specified time has passed. This can be starting at 30 seconds or a minute and building up to 5 minutes or 30. It depends hw you feel and how easily the process comes to you.

3) Deep Breathing

Find a quiet spot, close your eyes and start taking slow deep breaths counting each inhalation and exhalation. You could count 3 or 4 seconds to start, whatever feels comfortable.

Feel the air slowly entering and exiting your lungs as they expand and contract with each cycle,

Aim to do this 20 or 30 times, relax and let go of all the effort. Continue to inhale deeply and exhale fully before opening your eyes and bringing your session to a close.


It goes without saying the importance of proper preparation for your revision by using learning techniques allied to a revision timetable.

However don’t underestimate the power of tools like mindfulness in increasing your chances of success.

Ultimately trying out different techniques is important to find out which ones suit you best for preparing to face your own individual challenges. Knowing you have mindfulness techniques can bring calm assurance whenever needed and can help make progress easier and healthier.


Q. What is mindfulness? 

Mindfulness is a mental state achieved by focusing your awareness in the present moment, while calmly acknowledging and accepting your feelings, thoughts, and bodily sensations. It can be used to reduce stress and improve overall well being.

Q. How can mindfulness help with exam stress relief? 

Mindfulness exercises such as meditation, deep breathing, visualisation techniques, progressive muscle relaxation and yoga can help to reduce feelings of anxiety associated with exams. This occurs by allowing you to calm your mind and body creating a sense of inner peace and clarity that helps to alleviate stress levels in difficult situations like studying for and taking exams.

Q. What are some simple mindfulness exercises I can do during my study breaks? 

Some simple mindfulness exercises you can try during your study break include 

Deep breathing (inhale deeply through your nose for four counts; hold breath for two counts; exhale slowly through mouth for six counts); 

Mindful stretching (slowly move body parts up-and-down while focusing on how it feels physically); 

Visualisation techniques (imagine yourself in an environment where you feel relaxed and/or energised) 

or guided meditations (listen to audio recordings designed specifically to create calm).  

Q Are there any risks associated with practising mindfulness? 

Generally speaking no – however if you have a history of psychological issues such as depression or PTSD then it’s important that you seek professional advice before practising any form of meditation /mindfulness technique so they can be tailored safely according to your specific needs.

Q Can children practise mindfulness too ? 

Yes! Research has shown that introducing kids as young as 5 years old to practices like mindful movement & deep relaxation have shown potential benefits such as improved attention span & reduced anxiety symptoms over time. So why not try out some age appropriate mindful activities at home together?

Other Interesting Info

  1. Mindfulness exercises can help to regulate emotions, such as stress and anxiety, by helping individuals become more aware of their thoughts and feelings in the present moment. 
  2. Practising mindfulness techniques has been found to improve concentration and focus which can be beneficial for studying for exams. 
  3. Studies have shown that practising mindfulness regularly can lead to greater resilience when faced with challenging situations like taking an exam or dealing with difficult emotions associated with exam pressure.

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