About Me

Hey there! As a parent who’s been through the GCSE exams with my own kids, I know first hand how stressful and overwhelming it can be. That’s why my website is dedicated to providing tips, tools, and support for parents and students alike, to help them navigate this tricky time and come out healthy and happy.

My journey supporting my kids through their GCSEs started through love and worry!

I'm just a parent!

As a mother of 2 teenage children, who have successfully completed their GCSE’s I have extensive personal experience in supporting, guiding, and advising them through the challenges of revision, exam preparation, and exam-taking. 

I understand the unique pressures that teenagers face during this time and have learned valuable strategies for helping them manage stress, stay motivated, and achieve their goals.

My journey supporting my kids through their GCSEs started through love and worry! I have honed my thinking through trial, error and researching the best ways to support my kids through this difficult time. 

It wasn’t just me though! As a family we have tested and refined a range of techniques and tools for improving study habits, boosting memory retention, and increasing confidence through revision and exam time.

As a parent myself, I understand the importance of providing reliable and trustworthy advice to other parents who are starting the same journey. I am committed to sharing my knowledge and experience in a transparent and honest way, and to provide practical advice wherever I can. 

Please get in touch if you have any issues you would like to discuss!


Whilst I am proud to share a range of high-quality flashcards and mind maps that have been specifically designed to support my kids before and during GCSE time. Though they contain the info that helped our kids they might not work for every child. However!, half the battle is getting your child to understand they can help themselves by preparing adequately but with an emphasis on mindfully so these are a starting point to help them on their journey.

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