
Beat Exam Stress – Master Time Management Now

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Beat Exam Stress – Master Time Management Now

Exam stress can be overwhelming and debilitating, but there are ways to reduce it. Read on and I’ll share some simple yet effective time management techniques that will help you manage your exam schedule more effectively and reduce the amount of stress you experience when studying for exams. 

Through a combination of planning, organisation, and focus you’ll be able to maximise your potential for success on upcoming exams. If you plan ahead and use effective time management techniques. 

As a parent of GCSE age children I know how important it is for them to have strategies that work for them when it comes to revising for exams. It’s not easy trying to balance studying with all the unforeseen thoughts that are bound to flash through your child’s mind – but there are some simple steps they can take that will make life easier by helping them create a good study schedule and manage their time effectively during exam season. 

Prepare a Study Schedule 

The first step when planning your revision should be creating a detailed study schedule; breaking down what needs to be done into manageable chunks spread out over time rather than leaving everything until last minute panic mode.

Try our simple exam revision timetable maker here. There are also other online tools available these days like Trello or Asana which allow you to map out tasks on “boards” so that you can easily drag things into different categories (i.e subject matter) depending on priority level – making sure the most important items get dealt with first.

Even just writing down each task onto paper works too – whether it’s daily/weekly objectives or specific topics you need reviewing before sitting an exam – allocating yourself realistic deadlines keeps motivation high whilst reducing the likelihood to waste time on other distractions

Set Up A Dedicated Work Area 

Having somewhere at home where you can revise without distraction is key; no TV’s, phones or games consoles allowed! Whether this means clearing off the kitchen table after dinner every night or simply setting aside an empty corner of your room – it’s important that your workspace allows maximum concentration without interruption (although many opt for noise cancelling headphones if needed…).

Investing in good equipment is also essential; make sure there’s enough space for textbooks/notepads etc plus comfortable seating ideally equipped with plenty of cushions/materials that support correct posture while studying – nobody wants backache come exam day!  

Get Into Good Habits Early On

It doesn’t take long before bad habits creep in so start early by setting regular targets each day such as reading 10 pages from each textbook per week instead of cramming everything in two nights prior to the exam.

Also try jotting down anything relevant learned throughout class sessions straight away – either via notes written directly onto notebooks/textbooks as this makes life far easier when revising months later. 

Additionally taking regular breaks between revision helps you concentrate better too; allow yourself say 5 minutes free-time between chapters to give your brain cells a chance to recover from knowledge overload.

Have Regular Check Ins With Yourself & Others      

When doing something mundane it’s very easy to lose track of the progress you have made, especially when working alone – so staying accountable is crucial to hitting your goals.

Speaking with friends about recent topics covered can encourage retention of more information. Also don’t be scared to speak to teachers – asking them questions to clarify things can be really useful.

Furthermore, having your parents check regularly can uncover areas that might need developing later – this can give really useful insights. Having someone else to provide their thoughts on improving your knowledge can be invaluable in ensuring you stay the course.


Q. What are some time management techniques I can use to reduce exam stress? 

Some useful time management techniques include creating a study schedule, breaking down large tasks into smaller ones, prioritising important tasks, creating a comfortable and quiet environment for studying, limiting distractions such as social media and TV, getting enough rest and exercise each day, taking regular breaks during study sessions and rewarding yourself after completing tasks.

Q. How much time should I dedicate to studying for exams? 

This will depend on the subject you are studying and how close your exams are. Generally it is recommended that you devote at least one hour of dedicated study per day for every hour spent in class each week leading up to an exam period. 

It’s also important to make sure you take regular breaks throughout the day for fresh air or physical activity so that your mind stays alert when it’s time to get back to work! 

Q. Is there any way of making the learning process easier? 

Yes! Try breaking down bigger topics into more manageable chunks so they become easier to digest – this will help keep track of what has been learnt.

In addition, make sure all of your notes reflect what was said in lessons rather than summarising entire sections –  this allows them to be revisited more quickly later on too.

Also, don’t forget about other resources like online tutorials or practice papers which can give great insight into how well something has been understood before an exam takes place as well as helping to reduce anxiety levels too.

Q: Should I set aside specific times during the day for studying? 

Absolutely. Creating a routine with dedicated blocks of study time helps keep your focus intact over long periods because it gives your brain something familiar that it knows needs doing. So don’t just do this a couple of nights before the exams come around but year-round too if possible… That way; there won’t be any surprises nearer your exam dates either – ensuring that everything you need is already prepared ahead of schedule. 

Q: Are there any tips or tricks I can use while revising material? 

Yes – try using visual aids by colour coding notes (e.g.; green = main points ; blue = explanations) or creating diagrams/mind maps if information needs connecting together etc… 

Additionally; jotting down key words onto flashcards & reciting them out loud helps cement the facts inside your memory bank.

Other Interesting Info

One little-known time management technique for reducing exam stress is called the “”Eating the Frog”” method, coined by author Brian Tracy. It involves tackling the most difficult or important task first thing in the morning when you have the most energy and focus. By doing this, you can reduce stress and anxiety related to time wasting and increase your overall productivity.

Another little-known technique is called the “”80/20 Rule”” or Pareto Principle. This states that 80% of your results come from 20% of your efforts. By focusing on the 20% of tasks that are most important, you can improve your productivity and reduce stress related to feeling overwhelmed by a long to-do list.

Research has also shown that the physical environment in which you study or work can have a significant impact on your productivity and stress levels. 

Creating a space that is well-lit, organised, and free of distractions can help you stay focused and reduce stress related to feeling overwhelmed or anxious. Some people find that adding plants or playing calming music can also help create a more relaxing environment – why not give it a try, what have you got to lose?

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