An Inspector Calls – Mrs. Birling Quotes

An Inspector Calls – Quotes by Mrs. Birling

Sybil Birling is a prominent member of the Brumley Women’s Charity Organization and is more concerned with upholding her own status than with helping those in need. She represents the hypocrisy and callousness of the upper class, blaming the victim and refusing to take responsibility for her actions.

“Girls of that class -“
“I don’t suppose for a moment that we can understand why the girl committed suicide. Girls of that class -“
“I think she had only herself to blame.”
“I think I had better go into the drawing room and leave you men.”
“I’m sorry, but I think she had only herself to blame.”
“I’m very sorry. But I think she had only herself to blame.”
“I didn’t like her manner.”
“I blame the young man who was the father of the child she was going to have. If, as she said, he didn’t belong to her class and was some drunken young idler, then that’s all the more reason why he shouldn’t escape.”
“I was the only one of you who didn’t give in to him.”
“I consider I did my duty.”
“Girls of that class -“
“I used my influence to have it refused. And I’m glad.”
“It’s disgusting to me.”
“I must say, we are learning something tonight.”
“I beg your pardon, but Inspector, I think you’re making a mistake.”
“I think it was simply a piece of gross impertinence.”
“I must say he does give us the rope – so that we’ll hang ourselves.”
“You have no power to make me change my mind.”
“I consider I did my duty.”
“He was our police inspector all right.”
“I think it was an impertinence.”
“But I think she had only herself to blame.”
“I don’t suppose for a moment that we can understand why the girl committed suicide. Girls of that class-“
“I don’t think we want any further details of this disgusting affair.”
“I don’t think we should bring in the girl’s mother.”
“I’m sorry she should have come to such a horrible end. But I accept no blame for it at all.”
“I’m not likely to forget.”
“I’m afraid we’re a rather cold, hard-headed lot and not easily moved to sentimentality.”
“I don’t suppose any of you to feel like that -“
“And if I could help her now, I would.”
“You’re quite wrong to suppose I shall regret what I did.”
“I don’t think you will learn anything that will do you any good.”
“I was the only one who didn’t give in to him.”
“I don’t believe it. I won’t believe it.”
“But surely, I mean, it’s ridiculous.”
“I did nothing I’m ashamed of or that won’t bear investigation.”
“You mustn’t try to build up a kind of wall between us and that girl. If you do, then the Inspector will just break it down.”
“I’m very sorry. But I think she had only herself to blame.”
“I’ve done nothing wrong – and you know it!”
“Girls of that class -“
“I don’t suppose for a moment that we can understand why the girl committed suicide. Girls of that class -“
“I think she had only herself to blame.”
“I think I had better go into the drawing room and leave you men.”
“I’m sorry, but I think she had only herself to blame.”
“I’m very sorry. But I think she had only herself to blame.”
“I didn’t like her manner.”
“I blame the young man who was the father of the child she was going to have. If, as she said, he didn’t belong to her class and was some drunken young idler, then that’s all the more reason why he shouldn’t escape.”
“I was the only one of you who didn’t give in to him.”
“I consider I did my duty.”

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